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Belt drive motor

Because they are effective, flexible and durable belt drive motors increased widely favored by many industries. They provide a low-cost solution for power transmission, and are capable of transferring motor output to the machine while permitting communication between them. Sure, the ability to transfer power across long feet of free area without loss or damage is one major benefit with belt drive motors. This aspect makes them ideal for conveyors, pumps and heavy machinery applications in need of high torque and power. 

On top of the power transmission, Fengkena belt drive motors also have a natural gift to minimize noise. Belt drive motors, unlike much of the competition's motor drives work with almost no noise which is crucial in surroundings where extra noise can hinder workers productivity, endanger them or even make their working zone unhealthy. 

Complicated mounting and maintenance are not necessarily required for this type of belt drive motor. Fewer parts to break, complicated installation and alignment assist technicians replace belts or make adjustments for peak operation require no significantly cease downtime with less expensive tooling. 

What Motor Type Should You Buy?

The selection of belt drive motors by Fengkena versus other motor systems rely on multiple factors like cost, application, environment and performance requirements. Belt drive motors are found to be ideal for applications such as those requiring high torque combined with low or medium speed. The machines characterized by requiring power very intermittently and for which the need of a flexible solution to transmit motion improves efficiency. 

Direct drive motors, on the other hand are more efficient and used in high-speed applications that do not require a lot of torque. They offer much faster response times, and have less moving parts which makes them wear down slower. 

Although servomotors are more expensive than belt and direct drive motors, they provide greater precision when it comes to positioning and speed control. Hence, they remain the commonly used alternative for robotics and CNC machines through medical appliances. 

Why choose Fengkena Belt drive motor?

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